Monday, May 21, 2012

167: Rainy Day and Monday

Is there anything worse than rainy days? How about rainy days on Mondays? Yeah, that is worse. However, I'll take rainy weekdays and sunny weekends every time. Make that happen world.

I've been drinking a whole lot this weekend. Tonight I had 2 gin and tonics. I should pump the brakes on the drinking. I just feel like doing nothing on days like this. It's a good thing I didn't do anything tonight because I had to do a wash because my cat peed on my sheets. Seriously. That happened. Sigh.

Foods: Frosted mini wheat cereal from Trader Joes, leftover chicken stir fry from Friday, peanuts, chicken sticks from trader joes (Yes, I see tat I have a problem), 2 cups of coffee, gin, 2 string cheese sticks. I'm fat.

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