Friday, May 11, 2012

177 or the day after I drank a lot of Sangria

See, the problem with training is any sort of fun knocks your training down a peg. Take last night: My friend and I won tickets to a broadway show and we celebrated with empanadas and sangria at Empanada Mama. If you're from NY or visiting one day soon you must go there. Problem with hanging out with this friend is that her eyes are bigger than her liver (that's a saying, right?) Where I wanted to get the medium sangria pitcher she forced us to get a large. It was too much alcohol and today I feel sluggish.

How do people train for a marathon and stay active with their friends? That's one of the things I hate about training for a marathon. I have to sacrifice a night of belly laughs and debauchery to make sure I get a good night sleep and run 10 miles or so in the morning. I always think about some people I know and how they don't eat meat or drink alcohol and I just think: Oh okay, hanging out with you will be a chore. But hey! Sometimes I like chores! Sometimes, like today, I won't drink.  Figuring out a balance between all of this shit is hard.

Adding insult to injury (now I know that's a saying) my foot is sore from my 5k run on Wednesday. The big problem for me is that I have flat feet. No arch whatsoever.

It's a shame really. I wish I had one of those cool feet that have nice long arches, but my foot is wide and flat. The fact that I've finished 2 marathons and trained for both of them by running 20 miles beforehand with these awful clubs for feet is something short of a miracle.


From last night: Sangria, margarita, 2 empanadas, guacamole and plantain chips, bag of peanut m&ms.

Today: That Trader Joe's cereal thing, 2 cups of coffee, craw fish fritters from Gravy, truffle cheddar pretzel, cookie.

Note: Must jog at least 5 miles tomorrow. Must.

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