Saturday, May 12, 2012

176 or the day I ate a lot of chips

I woke up kinda late today. I just didn't want to get up. I was hoping the extra rest would magically heal my sore foot. It did not. However, that didn't damper my spirits about running. I figured I've jogged in pain before and today would be no different.

During my run I thought about Christopher Moore and how I should read more of his work. A lot of my friends really dig it and I bet I would too. I was also thinking that Kurt Vonnegut must have had a really great life. I did another 5k and a little extra. My new apartment has a huge cemetery so jogging around it is about 4 miles, but killer inclines. Luckily, I haven't felt any shin splints yet.

Foods: Too much to mention. 2 cups of coffee, mini wraps from my friend's kid's birthday party, guacamole, chips, olives. I earned it though.

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