Thursday, June 26, 2008

Diving Bell and the Butterfly

What if you couldn't move a bone in your body. Nothing. Just your eyelid. Would you be able to handle that? My imagination is one thing, but what about sex and kissing and flirting and cooking and eating and ust everything? Would you be able to do that?

Would you really have a choice?

How does one die on purpose like that? I think my heart would break. It just wouldn't be able to handle it. But, what if deep down you believed you could beat it. You could be the one who moved your head or your hand. It's that belief that I can do anything that makes me... well I'm not sure what that makes me. I just believe I can do anything. Learn Final Cut Pro? Fuck yeah! Learn how to drive stick? Just get me the Porshe and I'll do it. Weazle out of a jam with the cops? Hell yes!

I recently inured my leg and needed a cane to walk. It was awful and painful and I hated it. But I got better. Fast. Really fast. Why? Maybe the drugs, maybe my asweomse therapist, or maybe I can just do anything I put my mind to.

Tell me: When am I supposed to stop thinking I'm invincible?

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